DPCC Clearance
"Obtaining DPCC clearance is essential for ensuring environmental compliance in Your hotel business operations."
“Securing DPCC clearance is imperative for our hotel business, as it signifies our commitment to environmental responsibility. This clearance from the Delhi Pollution Control Committee assures that our operations align with environmental regulations, fostering a sustainable and eco-friendly approach in the hospitality sector. It underscores our dedication to minimizing environmental impact and promoting a healthier, greener future for our community.”

The application for DPCC clearance in the context of a hotel business is typically submitted by the hotel management or ownership. Specifically, the designated personnel responsible for environmental compliance, often in collaboration with relevant environmental consultants, would initiate and complete the application process. It involves providing necessary documentation, adhering to environmental guidelines, and ensuring that the hotel's operations meet the required environmental standards set by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
Application Form: A completed application form provided by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
Proof of Ownership or Lease Agreement: Documents establishing ownership or the legal right to operate the hotel premises.
Site Plan: A detailed layout plan of the hotel facility, showcasing key areas and structures.
Details of Effluent Generation: Information on the types and quantities of effluents (liquid waste) generated by the hotel.
Environmental Management Plan: A plan outlining measures to manage and mitigate environmental impacts.
Waste Management Plan: Details on the management and disposal of solid waste generated by the hotel.
Air Emission Details: Information on sources of air emissions, if applicable, and measures taken for control.
Water Consumption Data: Details of water consumption and any water conservation measures implemented.
Energy Consumption Data: Information on energy consumption and efforts towards energy efficiency.
Noise Pollution Control Measures: If applicable, details on measures taken to control noise pollution.